Sunday, September 9, 2007

7 Good Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language is naturally a process that requires effort and time, much or not, depending on the capability of an individual. Current technology makes learning a second language more flexible and easier. You can learn it anywhere you like, in your car while trapped in traffic jam, while waiting for commuter to arrive or fishing at Lake Garden, by means of many types of medium such as cassette, CD and the Internet, such as at where you will find a good resource of foreign languages.

Below are just a few reasons why you should learn another language:

1. Most significant yet simple reason – Eliminate the language barrier that you may face, easier for you to deal with other people when you go traveling or have to work in another country. The majority of native people probably do not know how to speak English fluently or do not know how to speak English at all, so knowing some key phrases will help you a lot. Moreover, you will want to know what people around you are talking about while you're shopping, waiting for taxi, or having dinner at a restaurant.

2. Local people tend to be friendlier with you since you speak the same language as them. You also can get friends easily, which in return can help you greatly in dealing with certain troubles that you may encounter, and you may not know how to cope with, such as problems related with customary law. Locals also will believe you more than people who cannot speak their language, which is a good point when you are in a foreign land.

3. Knowing a foreign language really helps when you are lost in a remote area where you can hardly find people who can speak English except local language.

4. Giving you chances to understand the exotic local traditions and way of living easier and deeper. This priceless experience is absolutely an opportunity not be missed for anyone who love to travel. You can share beautiful moments having fun with locals on occasions and understand the meaning behind it, which in the same time, gives you knowledge.

5. Improve your memory skill resulting from activity of reading, learning and memorizing. Open up your mind to be more acceptable to other people’s differences. Your thinking will be more maturely and sensibly.

6. This is reality, guys: According to Kwintessential, people who learn a foreign language are wealthier, happier and are regarded sexier than those who can speak only English.

7. From a survey conducted in Britain involving 270 dating agencies, the result shows that people who speak or learn a foreign language are more attractive, intelligent and sexier to the opposite sex.

Hopefully some of the reasons above will give you some ideas on how important it is to learn an additional language. Continuous learning for life leads to success and wisdom.

Tarmizi Ramly is a native Malay with years of experience in language learning offering free online Malay language resources of common Malay words, phrases for anyone and daily Malay language newsletters. He also included audio tools for correct pronunciation, all for free. Visit his website at .

Any queries please send them to 1.) or 2.)

4 Basic Steps To Protect Your Computer Against Internet Intruders

It never ceases to amaze me how many people connect to the Internet with no protection on the PC at all! This is a very dangerous activity and has led to financial ruin for some people.

I have had family members and friends who ask me to check out their PC's because they are 'slow' or they can't stop these damn popup windows from coming up. These are the first signs of infection or security breaches on your PC.

It takes 4 simple steps and it costs you nothing at all except a bit of time and effort.

Step 1 - Get a firewall installed.

Firewalls help to protect you from Internet attacks and intrusion from hackers on the Internet who go 'sniffing' for unprotected computers. What do they do when they hack your computer?

Well they look for password files, security breaches that allow them to use YOUR computer for malicious attacks on other computers on the Internet.

There was a story not long ago about the Russian Mafia hacking into a household computer and using it to transfer funds from unsuspecting bank accounts for their own illegal purposes. When the Feds tracked down the responsible computer, it belonged to some unsuspecting person who had no idea of what was happening. So be warned!!

Microsoft Windows XP has a built in firewall so you could enable that and it gives you some basic protection.If you don't want to use that firewall then try a free firewall called zone alarm from

Zone alarm is a great firewall and even better for the price - they have a free version for home and non-commercial use.

Step 2 - Get an anti virus product installed

Anti virus software scans your computer for malicious code that can cause all sorts of problems on your computer and even delete files and make your computer inoperable.You can get a very good free virus scanning software called AVG virus scanner from

Step 3 - Get a reliable anti-spyware software

Spyware tends to sit on your computer and 'spy' on what you are doing. It can do things like look at web sites you have visited, record your key strokes (looking for account numbers and passwords) and it can then sends this information back to its originator.A great and well know spyware scanner is called Spybot-S&D from

The other great spyware utilities are adaware from lavasoft, and Microsoft have one as well.My advice would be to run two or three spyware utilities, particularly if you do a lot of online transactions with your computer.

Step 4 - Keep your Microsoft (MS) Windows Operating System (OS) updated

Microsoft come out with security patches on a regular bases to close up security 'holes' that have been identified. These patches can be applied manually by you or you can have MS Windows download and install them automatically.

To check out what updates you require -
1. Go to the Microsoft Windows Update page here -
2. Scan your computer to find out what critical updates and security patches are not installed.
3. Select the updates to install paying particular attention to CRITICAL Updates.

You may need to restart your computer after the patches have been applied

As a final word on the 4 steps, it is critical that you keep all of the programs up to date. So check back with the vendors on a regular basis (at least weekly) to see if updates are available. The better programs (like Spybot) will have options in them to check for updates.

The above list of programs is not the ultimate list. Like any programs there are dozens of choices. The ones above are those that I have had first hand experience of.

I personally use commercial programs because I spend so much time connected to the Internet, my family surfs quite regularly and I am a big fan of online transactions. Even the commercial programs only cost pennies compared to what can happen if you do get an infection.

Terry Jones owns and operates His web site offers hints and tips on setting up your web site including script installations, script & tool reviews for your web success. To subscribe to the Easy Web Resources Gold Mine just go here -

Protecting Your PC From Internet Dangers

If you buy items online, surf the internet or use email then here are several tips to keeping your computer and your personal information secure.

Many people find it very easy to safeguard themselves by installing antivirus protection. Most antivirus protection software protects your computer from known viruses and Trojan horses. If a new virus is detected, your virus software will automatically download the new definition so that your computer will be safe.

Trojan horses are tiny programs that are downloaded inadvertently from the web. These small programs look for personal information and secretly upload it to a database. Many computer users have lost personal and financial information with the use of Trojan Horses.

One of the most damaging of all malicious software is the back door Trojan virus. Unlike many other types of malicious code, the back door Trojan virus is designed specifically to take advantage of vulnerabilities in the operating system such as Windows. The virus uses a back door into the computer too steal personal information, wipe files, or do other types of damage. To make matters worse, some of these back door Trojan horses disguise themselves and hide from anti virus software. Some are even intelligent enough to disable and render unusable your anti virus and firewall software.

You should also protect your computer from Spyware. Spyware is a tiny program that is downloaded usually when you download another program for free off the web. Spyware can be very irritating. Spyware keeps records of what your search for online and then sends you advertisements. Spyware can be difficult to erase.

It is also vital to protect yourself from Spoof emails. Spoof emails look like real emails from Ebay, Paypal, Banks and big credit card companies, but they are fake. Most spoof emails ask you to provide a website with financial information and then they steal this information. If you receive any emails that ask you for financial details, shut your browser, open up a new browser and contact your company's web site personally to see if there is a message for you.

Steps you can take to avoid problems with viruses and Trojans include being vigilant and paying attention to how your computer appears to be running. If you notice a decrease in performance that cannot be easily explained, or if you see an icon you do not recognize on the taskbar, it is a good idea to scan your computer and look for problems. Paying attention to your own computer, and using your own common sense, is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your computer.

Jeff Usher is a PC Support Geek with over 17 years in the IT Industry.For more information on PC Security and threats please visit:-

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Time- How It Changes Everything

The clock ticks non-stop and the time passes by. Time used to pass even when the clocks were not there. What is time and how it affects us in our thoughts, shall we examine? Let us go to our childhood days. We were small kids. We had no worries, no need for inspiration and no goals. Our only goals were to find new ways to play and look at everything curiously.

Everything has changed. Now our perception of life has changed totally. If we are in our youth or middle age, we are worried about many things. We have to plan for money. We have to set goals and achieve them. We are becoming passionate and frustrated with many things. On and on, we are changing. Why? Time has brought these changes. If you are an old person, go back to your formative years, then to youth, then to middle age and then now and think about how everything is changing. Technology is changing life, but that apart, our own thoughts are changing. As the outer world is changing, so is the inner world.

The playful curiosity of childhood is long lost. The stamina and determination of youth is lost, the worried thinking of middle age is lost and all is replaced for most of the old people by thoughts of only a creaking body. The diary notes are less about attending parties and more about visiting doctors. The conversations are less about career and more about the joint pains. For a large old population, the body becomes the center. For a lucky few, mind becomes the center. They become very philosophical.

Time is a constant that changes constantly. Nothing can stop it. But with changing times, we change. So the question is- who are we? Because if our body and our thoughts are undergoing changes at every moment, what is the constant in us other than our name? Nothing. This thought can bring a new perspective in our life. Why have fights, why be intolerant, why carry rigid positions, why worry so much, why suffer over losses and why do all this that we do. After all, time will change everything.

When we buy anything new, we care so much for it. We look at that object with love and display it lovingly. Maybe a new dress or a new car, any such object. Slowly, as time passes, the object gets old and then gets discarded. That is life. If we keep this perspective in our life at all the times, it will bring a new peace in our mind. Keep a clock screensaver on your desktop or a screensaver on seasons, or one with clouds. These all will always remind us about the change that is taking place with every second. Remembering that thought during all the times can surely bring a sea change in our thoughts forever and that change will be good.

About the Author
C.D.Mohatta writes on spirituality, motivation, management etc. You can send ecards with messages written by him. Also download clock screensavers with real videos. One more site, the author writes for is Cupid Ecards.

Everybody “Wants” – But How Many Really Have The Motivation To Get It?

Every action you take, no matter how big or how small, defines everything that you achieve in life. And, with every action there is a motive - something that puts a person in motion.

But, what is the real definition of MOTIVATION?

Is motivation an incentive, such as a monetary reward or a gift? For example, when you were younger your father or mother might have told you that, “For every “A” you get in school next semester, I’ll give you a specified amount of money”. I’ll bet that it probably worked. You achieved a few “A’s”, took the cash and then achieved less than stellar grades the following semester when the incentive was not offered again.

Or is motivation a threat? For example, your doctor may have told you recently, “If you don’t lose weight, exercise regularly and eat right, your cholesterol level will continue to be through the roof! So, for a few months, you do what the doctor says. You go back for a follow up. Your health is better. And to celebrate, you head off to the nearest fast-food restaurant for a greasy burger, greasier fries and sugary drink. Again, the effect is temporary.

Motivation is not about external incentives, rewards, inducements or threats. My definition of motivation is “an emotion or desire that operates on the “will to do” and causes it to take action”. To be long lasting, motivation MUST come from inside you. Seneca said, “Most powerful is he that has himself in his own power”. The “will to do” is the greatest power in the world tied to human accomplishment. And no one can predict its limits.

Where does the “will to do” come from? Unlike the products in so many advertisements, television infomercials and “spammy” e-mails, it does not come in a handy pill to instantaneously transform you from a “dud” to a “stud”.

So how does one develop a high level of motivation that serves them day in and day out? In my Success System, The Power Of Concentration – How To Take Control Of Your Life, I cover a number of success strategies to develop your “will to do”. I’ll briefly cover two of them here.

My Motivation Strategy #1: There Needs To Be A Desire To Change Within You…

Every one of us possesses some level of "will to do”. It is the inner energy which controls all conscious and subconscious acts. Your “will to do” directs your life forces, habits (both good and bad) and your condition in life. Your will has a connection with all avenues of knowledge, activities, and accomplishment. When you develop the power of concentration within you, you will have developed a higher level of self mastery and your “will to do”.

The “will to do” is a force that is strictly practical. We know it is a force through its cause-and-effect nature. It is a power, like electricity, we can direct. To the extent we direct it, we determine our future. Every time you accomplish any definite act, consciously or subconsciously, you use the principle of the will. Through the “will to do” you can do anything. Therefore the way you use your will - both right and wrong – will make a huge difference in the outcome of your life focus.

You probably know of cases where people have shown tremendous strength under some traumatic experience: The frail person who lifts a heavy car to save the person trapped underneath. The fireman, who rushes into a burning building in order to save others, is another example. In both examples, they used their "will to do" to accomplish the task.

The “will to do” can accomplish great results through activities that grow out of great concentration. In developing the power of concentration, we acquire the power of voluntary attention to such an extent that we can direct it where we want to and hold it steadily to its task, until we accomplish our goals. When you learn to use your will power it becomes a mighty force. Almost everything can be accomplished through its proper use. It is greater than physical force because it can be used to control not only your physical actions, but also your mental health and mind power.

Here’s My Motivation Strategy #2: Develop “Clearly-Defined Goals”…

Many human-performance experts, including yours truly, believe the #1 reason why most people will never get what they want is they - roll of the drum, please! - really don’t know what they want. A few years ago, a study by the Ford Foundation revealed that 90% of people have no idea or plans for getting what they want in life! Imagine how motivated you will be if you start every day with clearly-defined goals and the emotion and desire for achievement in all areas of your life.

For example, what if you took time to visualize your exciting and very specific career and financial objectives? Then, you created objectives for the personal and professional relationships in your life. And, when you were done, you took the time to write down these thoughts in a written action plan with on-going self improvement and self-development milestones. Can you see how this would give you more excitement and motivation everyday? Don't you agree that clarity about your direction in life is a powerful motivator?

Einstein said, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion”. I challenge you to become an “object in perpetual motion” by beginning to use these two strategies. For additional motivation strategies and effective exercises to develop your “will to do”, please visit our website and see our Success Systems.

About the Author: Keith A. Shaw, President of, is an authority on motivation, self improvement, success, health and wellness. Keith is the author and creator of "The Power Of Thought", "The Power Of Serenity And Peace" and "The Power Of Concentration" Success Systems that have helped people achieve more than they ever dreamed possible. He also created "The Power Of Qigong" DVDs and books for improving health, wellness, energy, mind power and more. Keith has also written articles that have been published in publications such as Modern Sage, Of Spirit, Self Growth and others.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

5 tips for great self-esteem

Do you wish you had high self-confidence? Some of us go through our life fighting against that feeling that we are just ‘not good enough’. We convince ourselves that we don’t matter and that we don’t deserve to amount to anything…..but what price do we pay? The fact is that many people are lacking is self-esteem, yet feel powerless to do anything about it. Poor self esteem needs to be addressed with a vengeance; it affects your emotional and physical wellbeing and really reduces the quality of your life. So it’s time to take action and raise the bar right now.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

ONE: 'Not Good Enough’ compared To Whom?

Fair question? Alright then…I have a challenge for you: The next time you start to berate yourself for ‘not being good enough’, I want you to ask yourself: ‘what exactly is my benchmark’? Be specific; to what or whom, have you compared yourself to reach the conclusion that you are not good enough? If you can learn nothing else from reading this article, then know this; constantly comparing yourself with other people is a no-win exercise! So the next time you fall into this futile habit, take a breath and say to yourself:

"I like and respect myself exactly as I am"

TWO: Everybody Hates Me

‘Everybody hates me, nobody likes me, I’m going out the back to eat worms...’ Do you remember that song? As children, we used to sing this over and over, and then fall to the ground laughing hysterically...but the sad truth is that feeling as though the world is against you is no laughing matter. So how do you get around that feeling? Well, one way is to cultivate the habit of assumption. Here’s how it works;

I meet lots of new people every week in my line of work. Now, I could get myself into a fluster worrying about whether or not they will like me and whether or not they will respect my opinion….but I know from experience, that this is futile. So to make my life easier, I make a conscious effort to assume then every person I meet will like me...and that I will like them.

This technique works because what you give out comes back to you; communication is 55% body language, and people pick up on your internal signals. Think how much easier it is going to be to always meet people who like you! It certainly beats being in a constant state of panic.

THREE: What if what if what if

Are you a ‘what-if-maniac’? Do you imagine the worst possible scenario for every situation you encounter? If so, you could be worrying yourself into an early grave. Next time you get an attack of the ‘what-ifs’, I would like you to create in your mind’s eye, a ‘What-if-box’. This box has a one way opening, and each time you have a negative thought or emotion of the catastrophizing kind, send it straight through that one-way opening of your what-if-box. The worrying thoughts will still be there if you need to go back and re-visit them, so just let them stay in the box; and while they are in there, you will be free to get on with the important things in your life!

FOUR: Know Thy Self

What does self-esteem mean for you? What do you need to do, say or be to gain greater confidence and self-reliance? More importantly, how can you improve if you don’t know this? You need to get clear about what you want and only then can you begin to make plans to get it. Write it down and while you are doing this, remember to write down what you want, not what you don’t want. This is the language your subconscious mind understands.When you concentrate on self-development and make plans, you gain a sense of control over your destiny, and it helps you to feel better about yourself. So start writing today!

FIVE: Stand Tall

Do you stand with your back straight and your shoulders square? Or do you look at the ground when you walk and hunch over? If you want to be confident, then start with your body language. Send the message to your subconscious mind that you matter; watch your physical posture – straighten up, walk tall and look other people straight in the eye when you talk to them. You’ll be amazed at how this small thing can make all the difference; and furthermore, other people will sense your charisma-oozing body language and begin to treat you differently. Try this today; it works!

Sonia Devine is a qualified professional hypnotherapist and success coach with a caring and committed approach to healing, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. You can find more of her information on confidence, self image, love, relationships, hypnosis and much more on her website

10 Do’s Of Great Hair Care

1. Use the right hair care products for your specific hair type. If your hair is damaged, dry or color treated, use hair care products formulated to repair this damage and add much-needed shine and resiliency. On the other hand, if your hair is oily, use a deep-cleansing shampoo and light conditioner to keep your hair looking its best. The right products should be at the base of your hair care routine.

2. Get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks as part of your regular hair care routine. Even if you are growing your hair longer, it is still vital to make a routine trim a major part of your hair care routine. Snipping ends before they split will keep your hair looking healthy and save you hair care headaches in the end.

3. Protect your hair with hair care products that contain sunscreen.

4. Shampoo your hair only when it is dirty. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to shampoo your hair daily. Doing so can make your hair dry and hard to work with.

5. Turn to a professional for all of your hair care needs. Yes, kitchen beauticians and friends do not cost as much as putting your hair care needs in the hands of a qualified professional, but they often result in blunders that end up costing you more money than if you went to the salon in the first place.

6. Use professional conditioning hair coloring systems. There are many hair coloring systems on the market, and the ones you choose can have a great impact on your hair care costs. Simply put: choose a system that causes minimal damage and conditions hair as it colors. This will save you money when it comes to conditioning hair care products.

7. Stick with one chemical service. In order to keep your hair as healthy as it can be, ask your hair care professional to recommend only one chemical service: color or perm. By only using the service that is perfect for your particular style and needs, you will ensure that your hair stays healthier.

8. Add Texture. By adding texture to your style, through perm or cut, you can greatly reduce the time it takes to style and perform your daily hair care routine. And you will look sensational.

9. Choose hair color that compliments your style. With all of the professional coloring techniques available, this part of your hair care regimen has never been easier. From chunky highlights to soft color, you can greatly enhance your style with the right technique.

10. Comb your hair with a wide-toothed come when it is wet to prevent breakage. The only time you should use a brush during your hair care routine is when your hair is barely damp or dry.

In the end, hair care is a very individualized and personal thing. Feel free to add your own flair and style to your hair care routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those that damage it.

10 Definite Don’ts Of Great Hair Care

If the amount of money consumers spend on hair care products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance of their hair and strive to attain beautiful, healthy and stylish locks. In fact, most will go to any lengths to achieve their desired look. From professional salon treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big business.

The only problem is that while many people are buying the right hair care products for their hair, they forget to follow basic hair care regimens that will guarantee the health and beauty of their tresses. Additionally, many are also causing needless damage to their hair by participating in unhealthy hair care behavior.

So, what should you do to make sure that your hair stays healthy, shiny and strong? To avoid all hair care disasters, follow these 10 absolute don'ts of great hair care.

Hair care don'ts:

1. Avoid unprofessional and over-the-counter hair care products whenever you can. Many of these only offer false hopes and promises.

2. Do not cut your own bangs. Leave all of your cutting needs, even bangs, to your hair care professional.

3. Avoid excessive sun, chlorine and salt water during the summer months. Excessive exposure can cause severe damage that is irreversible even if you use the best hair care products.

4. Do not use clarifying hair care products on your tresses more than one time per week. They can strip hair of moisture and essential oils.

5. Do not visit a hair care salon without first getting a referral from someone you can trust. Choosing a salon based on an advertisement or sale alone is very risky.

6. Do not purchase hair color that comes in a box.

7. Never stick with an outdated look because you are afraid of looking different. Styles change for a reason. Ask your hair care professional to bring you into this decade with a new style.

8. Do not straighten your hair with a clothes iron. C'mon, this was so over in the 70s. We have straightening irons that won't damage your hair for this now. Look in the hair care isle.

9. Don't brush your hair or put too much tension on it while it is still wet. This will cause breakage. Also, do not wear tight styles such as corn rows for extended periods of time unless you have ethnic hair.

10. Never use sun-lightening products such as lemon juice or over-the-counter hair care products designed to lighten hair with the sun unless you want a very short hair cut in the future.

In the end, hair care is a very individualized and personal thing. Feel free to add your own flair and style to your hair care routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those that damage it.

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit

Calories, weight & physical activity

The Dietary Guidelines offers nine key recommendations for the general population. The first three deal with calorie needs, weight management and the role of physical activity. A brief overview of these guidelines is as follows:

Adequate Nutrients Within Calorie Needs

- Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods and beverages within and among the basic food groups while choosing foods that limit the intake of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt, and alcohol.
- Meet recommended intakes within energy needs by adopting a balanced eating pattern, such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Guide or the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Eating Plan.

Almost two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Many Americans consume high calories, too much saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, added sugars and salt. In addition, they are not meeting recommended intake of the nutrients necessary for good health. According to the latest research, intake levels for calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, and vitamin E may be a concern for children and adolescents. For adults, intake levels of the same nutrients and vitamins A and C are of concern. To learn more about recommended intakes of nutrients, see Dietary Reference Intakes.

To meet nutrient needs without excess calorie intake, the Dietary Guidelines recommend adopting a balanced eating pattern, such as the Food Guide MyPyramid or the DASH eating plan. In general, both meal patterns encourage consuming vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free milk products, while avoiding refined grains, saturated and trans fats, added sugars and salt.

Weight Management

- To maintain body weight in a healthy range and balance calories from foods and beverages with calories expended.
- To prevent gradual weight gain over time, make small decreases in food and beverage calories and increase physical activity.

The incidence of obesity in the United States has doubled in the past two decades. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can help to decrease the risk for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. It has also been associated with respiratory problems, osteoarthritis and certain types of cancer. There are different methods to determine healthy weight for children and adults. One useful tool is the body mass index.

Balancing calorie intake and calories expended in activities can help in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight. This may be accomplished by choosing sensible foods and controlling portion sizes. Since most adults gain weight slowly overtime, a reduction of 50 to 100 calories per day may prevent this gradual weight gain. For weight loss, a reduction of 500 calories a day, while consuming a nutritionally adequate diet is a common goal. Also, if an individual is sedentary, increasing the activity level is recommended to maintain or lose weight.

Physical Activity

- Engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary activities to promote health, psychological well-being, and a healthy body weight.
- Achieve physical fitness by including cardiovascular conditioning, stretching exercises for flexibility, and resistance exercises or calisthenics for muscle strength and endurance.

For healthy American adults that want to improve their fitness level and reduce the risk of chronic disease, experts suggest participating in 30 minutes or more of moderate to intense activity on a daily basis. However, for some individuals, this may not be adequate to maintain or lose weight.. Up to 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity per day may be needed to prevent gradual, unhealthy weight gain in adulthood.

To sustain weight loss for previously overweight people, 60 to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per day is recommended. Older adults and those with medical conditions should consult with their physician before beginnin any exercise program.

A balanced diet and regular physical activities can help to achieve or maintain a healthy weight and can contribute to improving one's overall health. Exercise is not only an excellent tool in the prevention of heart disease, but it also offers dramatic benefits for heart patients. Physically, it can slow or even reverse the process of atherosclerosis, as well as lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. Emotionally, it can reduce levels of stress and depression.

Menu choice tips for healthy dining

After a long wait to be seated, you may be feeling exceptionally hungry as you are presented with the menu. This is the best time to ask for a tall glass of ice water with a lemon slice. Otherwise, restaurants will take this opportunity to satisfy your senses (and curb your hunger) by bringing those beautiful, warm, buttered rolls. Then, the first question asked may be, “would you like a drink, sir/madam?” Looking through the menu, those hot rolls not only smell great but also, along with a nice drink, can ease almost any diner into a good mood. Unfortunately, before the waiter returns to take your order, you may have consumed hundreds of calories with little nutritional value. Value? Before one can have a heart-healthy dining experience one should also define what gives food their value. Taste, smell, nutritional content and cost are just a few aspects of food that diners must take into account before making their selection.

The trick to a heart-healthy dining experience – whether eaten at home or out – is to keep your nutritional goals in mind. To that end, a heart-healthy meal should be not only satisfying to your senses or to your wallet but also to your heart. This means avoiding excess calories, fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and salt without compromising taste or budget. The fat content of the meal can be controlled by keeping in mind the types of foods that are particularly high in fat. For example, high-fat meat choices include marbled steaks; fatty cuts of pork or beef; buffalo chicken wings; bacon, sausage or kielbasa; and pepperoni and high-fat deli meats such as salami or corned beef. Instead, look for leaner cuts such as sirloin steak, London broil or filet mignon. Other items on the menu that are high in fat to avoid are cream based soups, fried foods and high-fat desserts.

Next, find out how the food is prepared. In general, choose foods that are steamed, poached, baked, grilled, roasted or broiled. Menu items described as fried, crispy, creamy, au gratin, battered or breaded are likely to contain added fat and typically are higher in calories and saturated or trans fats. Examples include the following:
- Fried chicken/fish/burgers/rice
- Chicken fried steak
- French fries
- Onion rings
- Doughnuts
- Refried beans

Once you have determined how your food will be cooked, check to see if it will be served with one of the following high-fat or high-salt sauces or dressings:
- Alfredo sauce
- Béarnaise sauce
- Hollandaise sauce
- Lobster sauce
- Soy sauce
- Cheese sauce, melted cheese or shredded cheese
- High-fat sour cream
- Gravy
- High fat salad dressings
- Melted butter

If you choose to have a sauce, keep it on the side so you can control how much is used. Remember that it is in the restaurant’s best interest to lather food in tasty (and often unhealthy) sauces. An entrée is often served with one or more side dishes. Consider brown rice and steamed vegetables as healthy alternatives to sides such as:
- French fries
- Home fries
- Fried rice
- Deep-fried mushrooms, okra or other vegetables
- Deep-fried egg rolls/spring rolls
- A baked potato swimming in butter or high-fat sour cream (a plain baked potato is fine)

Finally, choose water instead of
caffeine beverages. If you want to drink wine, drink no more than a glass or two. The average bottle will serve about four wine glasses. If you cannot find any heart-healthy choices on the menu, then perhaps it would be wise to consider avoiding that restaurant in the future or, at least, not going there frequently.

Eating Healthy When Eating Out

More than ever, Americans are eating meals away from home and spending almost half of their food budget on foods eaten outside the home. In 2004, American restaurants reached $440 billion dollars in sales, up from $280 billion in 1994. Eating out can be a challenge for many people who are on a weight loss program or those who are trying to eat a heart-healthy diet. The reasons for the challenge, as well as some strategies for overcoming it, are described in this article. It is important to remember that these strategies are presented only as guidelines for people interested in eating heart-healthy foods. None of this information is presented in the form of what people “should” or “should not” be eating. Each person makes that choice for him or herself. People interested in additional information or dietary recommendations are encouraged to contact a licensed or registered dietitian.

Heart healthy dining out strategies

There are a few strategies that you can use when eating out to ensure that you will eat a more heart-healthy meal:

Begin by planning ahead and choosing a restaurant that offers heart-healthy options. For example, call the restaurant in advance and ask about their menu, if substitutions can be made for a meal and whether they are willing to prepare foods to meet your dietary needs.
If you frequently dine out, develop a list of restaurants in your area that meet your nutritional goals. Try to avoid those restaurants that may be challenging such as buffets or all-you-can-eat establishments. Most restaurants are happy to adjust their menu items to meet your needs. Dining out can also be a wonderful opportunity for increasing the variety in your diet. For example, if you usually don’t eat fish at home, choose a sushi or seafood restaurant.

Once you have chosen a restaurant, the next challenge will be making a selection from the menu. Ideally, the meal should be flavorful and enjoyable as well as nutritious and heart- healthy. Therefore, when making a selection, consider the calorie, fat and salt content as well as nutritional value of the foods to be consumed. For example, an order of fried onion rings as an appetizer will provide a lot of calories, fat and salt, but not much nutrition. Instead start with a small tossed salad (with a low fat dressing or vinaigrette on the side) or a broth-based vegetable or bean soup. These selections will provide plenty of heart-healthy nutrition and fiber without the added fat or salt.

Once you have navigated through the restaurant selection and menu choices, you will be faced with the last challenge: serving sizes. The menu portions of food served at most restaurants are usually much larger than the recommended serving sizes. Some strategies to controlling serving sizes are:
- Ordering your entrée from the appetizer section of the menu
- Sharing an entrée with a friend
- Asking the waiter to only bring half the entrée and wrapping-up the other half to take home